Home / Study Abroad Students

Study Abroad Students

Studying Abroad?
Don’t Forget Your International Mobile Data Plan!

Stay in touch with family & friends using WhatsApp, FaceTime, Skype, and more.
✓ Stay current on Social, post pictures and stories as you go.
✓ Use your mobile connection for studies and internet access on your computer.
✓ Enjoy uninterrupted streaming of your favorite shows.

Product 1

United Kingdom eSIM

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Product 1

Europe eSIM

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Product 1

United States eSIM

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Product 1

Turkey eSIM

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Product 1

Malaysia eSIM

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Product 1

Thailand eSIM

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Product 1

Singapore eSIM

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Product 1

Vietnam eSIM

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Product 1

Japan eSIM

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Product 1

Philippines eSIM

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Product 1

Australia eSIM

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Product 1

Hong Kong eSIM

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Product 1

Taiwan eSIM

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How to Set Up eSIM

To set up an eSIM, please see this page

eSIM-Compatible Devices

Click here to see the list of eSIM-Compatible Devices